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Learning Geoscience

AGI focuses on helping students make well-informed decisions about studying the geosciences, and on supporting academic departments in continuing to evolve their programs, recruit top quality students, and prepare current students for entering the workforce as geoscience professionals.

Student Resources

Essential tools for students pursuing geoscience degrees, including information on finding the academic program that suits your interests and exploring careers where you can apply your geoscience skills and knowledge.


AGI has a major mission in supporting the development of the next generation of geoscientists. AGI supports geoscience departments in providing the best education that will provide future geoscientists with a fulfilling career. Providing financial support for students at crtical points in their development is addressed through scholarships for high potential students.

Internships & Fellowships

AGI strives to provide opportunities for geoscience students to experience the world of working in the geosciences through internship opportunities within AGI’s programs. Most of our internship programs are appropriate for upper level undergraduates and graduate students in the geosciences.

Build Your Skills & Knowledge

Build your skills and knowledge through online courses, professional engagement, professional licensure and certification, and diversity and ethics resources. Browse our list of upcoming webinars to build your skills and connect with other geoscience professionals.

Supporting Higher Education

Whether it’s providing critical data on enrollments and degrees, comprehensive information about faculty, or collaborating with member societies like AGU on hosting webinars on critical issues for department chairs, AGI recognizes that a strong geoscience academic community is the key to a strong profession. Browse our list of upcoming webinars to stay up to date on new data and conversations within the community.